Tuesday, July 3, 2007

so mom and auntie do this thing

where they take me to this weird big store, with generally pretty awesome music, where they shop and shop and shop and hi-five and kiss me and swing me around and pretend to drop me and then they tickle me and then if i cry i get fed and then they shop more and then they finally get tired after like 3 hours unless of course they got dunkin donuts fresh brewed quicalicious ice tea in which case it's like 4 hours before they stop.

so in the middle of this whirlwind, auntie takes a picture.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is truly the most adorable auntie site ever. He is fabulous and he gets cuter every day. I LOVE your postings, and I love blue steel.

breaking hearts since 2006.

Lover of Superman, Hulk, Wolverine, dancing, and my Auntie ;).